Code Chef Event
9th March, 2017
Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon conducted a coding event named, “CODE CHEF” on 9th March, 2017. 140 students participated and appeared for the online test in the teams of four members. Mrs. Vimmi Malhotra (Assistant Professor, CSE) and Ms. Anu Rani (Assistant Professor, IT) coordinated the event.
The objective of the event was to test the programming ability and aptitude of the students and to make them aware of new technology such as Python, Animation software, HTML, etc.
The online test was conducted for the event which comprised of 40 questions and subjects included were Data Structures, HTML, C, C++, and aptitude. Questions type was MCQ having 4 options out of which only single option was correct. It was a 1 hour test which started at 10:40 am.
20 teams got selected for the second round and project nomination. Cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- was to be given for the 1st position Rs. 5000/- for 2nd and Rs. 3000/- for third. Apart from it, 10 consolation prizes were also awarded.
The event was interactive and informative event to the benefit of everyone.