24th March 2017
IEEE lectureon the topic “Security challenges and opportunities for SDN / NFV and 5G Networks” was organized byGTBIT on 24 March, 2017. Dr. Ashutosh Dutta (Director of Technology Security / LMTS at AT & T, Co-Chair IEEE 5G Initiative) was the Keynote speaker of the session. Five students of CSE Department from Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon attended the lecture at GTBIT. The lecture involved brief explanation on topics like virtualization research, security, and virtual firewalls.
The session was started by Dr. Ashutosh Dutta and he explained about cloud infrastructure at AT & T, different attacks faced and how they overcome those attacks. Dr. Ashutosh Dutta has participated in security problems since a very long time. He also covered topics like network licensing, mobile edge, setting standards for IOT and RAN.
After the session, Director of GTBIT, Dr. Rominder Kaur Randhawa presented memento to Dr. Ashustosh Dutta and participation certificates were distributed to the participants.
Overall, the lecture was informative as the students came to know about the various security and virtual features of the networks.