Dr Sameer Bakhshi, IRCH, AIIMS)
Dr Raju Sharma, Radio Diagnosis, AIIMS
Ms Sarita (Assistant Professor , CSE) with other faculty members
Ms Sarita during the Event with faculty member from Kerala
Dr. V. Ramgopal Rao ,IIT Delhi Director
Dr. (Prof) Rakesh K Gupta, Fortis Hospital Gurgaon
UmeshGhanekar (Prof) NIT Kurukshetra
Vote of Thanks to Guest
Ms Sarita , Assistant Professor(CSE), DCE Gurgaon at the venue
Ms Sarita , Assistant Professor(CSE), DCE Gurgaon at the venue
Certificate Received by Ms Sarita (Assistant Professor , CSE)
Workshop on Medical Imaging Techniques, Post Processing and Clinical Applications at IIT Delhi
14th - 16th April, 2017
A workshop on “Medical Imaging Techniques, Post Processing and Clinical Applications” was organized from 14th - 16th April, 2017 by Centre for Biomedical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IITD). Ms. Sarita, Assistant Professor from the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon attended the workshop.
Day 1 (14th April, 2017):
On First day Dr. Anup Singh (Assistant Professor , IIT Delhi) and Dr. Amit Mehndiratta (Assistant Professor , IIT Delhi) gave session on ‘Introduction to Medical Imaging’ . They gave a brief description on introduction to medical imaging is and how it is better than the conventional ways and techniques. Further they discussed the types of medical imagingtechniques, focusing on Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and Ultrasound Imaging. They also added that unlike conventional X-ray, CT and Molecular Imaging, MRI and Ultrasound operate without ionizing radiation. Along with this, in a contagious session Dr. Mehndiratta gave an ‘Overview of Human Anatomy and Physiology’ where he explained the structures of body and how they work together to maintain life.
The session was followed by Dr. Anup Singh in which he discussed the basics of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). He shared how radiology is used to form pictures of the anatomy and the physiological processes of the body in both health and disease. He added MRI scanners use strong magnetic fields, radio waves, and field gradients to generate images of the organs in the body.
The session was taken over by Dr. Mehndiratta on ‘Basics of Computed Tomography’ where he shared CT is based on the fundamental principle that the density of the tissue passed by the X-ray beam can be measured from the calculation of the attenuation coefficient. Thus, CT allows the reconstruction of the density of the body, by two - dimensional section perpendicular to the axis of the acquisition system.
The day ended with a session on ‘Reconstruction and Post Processing in Imaging’ by Dr. Kedar B. Khare (Professor Physics, IITD). He told the Professional post - processing services provide high - quality, fast, and consistent reports for clinical (and research) interpretation.
Day 2 (15th April, 2017):
The second day was dedicated on Clinical Applications, Special Topics and Site visit (AIIMS Delhi). Dr. NR Jagannathan (NMR, AIIMS) started the day with his session on ‘Technicalities of Medical Imaging’. The Digital Imaging and Communication in Medicine (DICOM) which is a standard used to globally store, exchange, and transmit medical images. It was further taken ahead by Dr. Sameer Bakhshi (IRCH, AIIMS) where he shared information on ‘Imaging in Oncology’ saying imaging plays an important role in the management of cancer patients, and in screening of asymptomatic individuals for early detection of cancer.
Later, a session on ‘MR Imaging in Abdomen’ was taken by Dr. Raju Sharma (Radio Diagnosis, AIIMS) in which he talked the Abdominal Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan which is an imaging test that uses powerful magnets and radio waves. The waves create pictures of the inside of the belly area. It was followed by Dr. Devasenathipathy K (Radio Diagnosis, AIIMS). He explained ‘Clinical Applications of Dual Energy CT’. This was carried over by Dr. Senthil Kumaran’s (NMR, AIIMS) session on ‘Task Designing in FMRI Experiments’.
Further, Dr. Sonal Krishan (Radilogy, MedantaTheMedicity, Gurgaon) discussed ‘New Horizon in Body Imaging: Technology Meets Physiology’. He shared how the technical advancements have made it easier to deal with medical situations and health. Along with this Dr. Virendra Kumar (NMR AIIMS) gave a short session on ‘MRI and MRS Acquisition’ in which he explained the two most widely used MR spectroscopy acquisition methods are Stimulated Echo Acquisition Mode (STEAM) or Point Resolved Spectroscopy (PRESS) sequences.
Day 3 (16th of April, 2017):
On the last day Dr. B.K Panigrahi (Professor , IIT Delhi) started the day with ‘Role of Machine Learning in Image Processing’ stating how far the benefits of machine learning have come and all the advancements that have made it possible to concatenate artificial intelligence with image processing to attain solutions to disease and health problems. Along with this Dr. Rahul Garg (Professor, IITD) explained ‘Advanced Analysis Functional MRI (fMRI)’.
A session on ‘Molecular Imaging (CEST)’ was taken by Mr. Ayan Debnath (Scholar at IITD where he shared how 2-DG/FDG CEST MRI can replace PET/CT or PET/MRI for cancer research in laboratory animals and also has the potential to be used in the clinic for the detection of tumors and metastases, distinguishing between malignant and benign tumors and monitoring tumor response to therapy as well as tumors metabolism noninvasively by using MRI, without the need for radio-labeled isotopes. This was taken over by ‘Diffusion MRI’ by Mrs. Esha Baidya Kayal.
Mr. Anirban Sengupta further discussed ‘Multipara metric Imaging’ and explained its needs and advancements. At the end two continuous sessions on ‘Hands on Workshop using ImageJ / MATLAB’ were conducted along with parallel panel discussions.
The workshop proved to be fruitful and gave instances of some extraordinary researches in the field of medical imaging and its related technical advancements.