Prof.S.D Joshi , IIT Delhi during the Expert Talk
Guest Lecture on “Introduction to Signal Processing”
6th April 2017
IEEE Student Chapter, Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurugram organized a guest lecture on “Introduction to Signal Processing” by Prof. (Dr.) S.D Joshi, from Department of Electrical Engineering, IIT Delhi on 6th April 2017. Faculty Member Mrs. Akansha Bansal along with 37 students from ECE department attended the lecture.
The objective of the lecture was to make students aware of advances in the field of Signal Processing and inspire students to make different types of projects on their own.
Prof. S. D Joshi got the Teaching Excellence Award in session 2010-11 for the course of Signal and System in IIT Delhi. His research interests include development of fast algorithms for stochastic signal processing, speech processing, group theoretical approach to signal processing and image processing.
During his lecture Prof. Joshi discussed the Linear Time Invariant (LTI) systems, Impulse responses. He briefed the mathematical significance of the LTI systems and the importance of the impulse response in finding the response of system with any input. LTI systems satisfy the property of linearity and time invariance. LTI systems have a number of useful properties. LTI systems are also BIBO (bounded-input/bounded-output) stable. He discussed in detail with mathematical expressions the probability distribution function and Gaussian distribution function and their applications.Probability density function (PDF), or density of acontinuous random variable, is a function, whose value at any given sample (or point) in the & sample space (the set of possible values taken by the random variable) can be interpreted as providing a relative likelihood that the value of the random variable would equal that sample and Gaussian probability distribution are the most used distribution in all of science and is also called “bell shaped curve” or normal distribution.
In the second half he explained the participants the random processes and the stochastic processes. In signals and systems a stochastic or random process is a mathematical object usually defined as a collection of random variables.
The seminar was effective with respect to understanding of LTI systems and various probability distribution functions and their practical applications. Students and faculty member learned new ideas and areas in this field.