IEEE Robotics Workshop At Dronacharya College Of Engineering
By IEEE DTU Student Branch
IEEE DCEG Student Branch organized Robotics Workshop at DCE on 28th January 2015. There were 55 students from IV Sem (ECE, EEE, CSE, ECS, IT) who participated in this workshop. Robotics is a field where the knowledge of Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Electronics and Mechanics can be applied and put to test. This workshop was conducted by DTU students from ECE branch. The objective was to make students aware of basic robotics concepts and gain practical experience while working on a robotics kit.
This workshop provided a technical platform for second year students to have exposure in the field of robotics and to promote robotics right from the grass roots. It consisted of fundamentals and practical concepts of basic electronics, basic mechanics, robotics and its various applications.
DTU students also explained the use of electricity and electronics in robotics. They covered the basic information on various electrical components such as DPDT switches, LED’s, Power Supply (AC & DC Supply), Resistors, Capacitors & much more. The speakers also informed about the
various types of sensors being used extensively in robotics.
The following Robots was described by the students.
1. Line Follower Robot: - As the name suggests Robot in this mode will follow a line. The Robot will follow white line on black surface or vice versa.
2. Obstacle Avoider Robot: - In obstacle avoider robot the robot will sense the obstacle and will change the path accordingly so it won’t be colliding with any obstacle.
3. Obstacle Follower Robot: - In obstacle follower Robot will sense the obstacle and will fol-low the object accordingly.
The workshop was very informative for the students. They learned basic concepts and could gain the practical experience while working on a robotics kit. The students realized that robotics is not just building robots, but something greater - a passion for robotics coupled with the knowledge and confidence to take on the world with their self-made machines. The session was very interactive. It developed interest of students to fabricate small projects. All the queries were well answered. The workshop by the students for the students was a great success which helped in enhancing their confidence level. The event concluded by conferring of gifts to the DTU students by IEEE student execom members.