Industrial Visit to Huawei Telecommunications
16th March, 2018
ISTE Student Chapter, Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon organized an industrial visit to Huawei Telecommunications India Pvt. Ltd on 16th March 2018, 20 students from IT, CSIT & ECS Department along with faculty member Mr. Dharmendra Pal (Associate Professor) visited the industry.
The objective of the industrial visit was to introduce students with various networking concepts like Wireless Telecom (2G/3G/4G), IP- Datacom (Routers, switches, Security & Firewall), Networks (Access, Optix, & Microwave) & Cloud Computing.
Huawei is a leading global information and communications technology (ICT) solutions provider. Driven by a commitment to sound operations, ongoing innovation, and open collaboration, we have established a competitive ICT portfolio of end-to-end solutions in telecom and enterprise networks, devices, and cloud technology and services. Huawei is committed to enabling the future information society, and building a Better Connected World.
Mr. Rohit, Senior Engineer, welcomed the team Dronacharya. He explained to the students, ICT and Telecom Industry is on a cross road facing different set of challenges that stem from ever challenging technology trends and customer expectations. The convergence of applications, devices, networks and content in this new-age information super highway has become the next path-breaking move in core mass-market technology providing single connectivity and integrated user experience.
Mr. Rohit later discussed 4G Technology. 4G refers to the Fourth Generation of cellular wireless standards in telecommunications that will succeed it predecessors 3G and 2G. It is a high-speed broadband wireless network that offered comprehensive & secure all IP based services. It focuses on cellular system with extremely high data rates & the concept of seamless technology in all wireless systems. Carriers are using OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing) as an alternative to TDMA and CDMA are promoting their services as 4G even though their data rates are not high according to the ITU.
Next, he discussed the 4GPP LTE technology. 4G LTE advanced is not a new technology but rather an enhancement to the existing LTE standard by using multiplexing and additional spectrum range to achieve the speeds required for 4G; whilst help for system capacity usage is dealt with by co-ordinated multi point transmissions.
He also explained introduction of HCIG and HIT certification for ICT. It includes Core Network ( CS, PS, IMS) Transmission Network, IP- Data Communication Network, Cloud Computing Fundamentals, Wireless Broadband Access (MBB/ LTE/ WIFI).
At the end of the session students visited the Huawei Lab along with Col RS Dubey.
The visit was informative and useful to the students as they learnt about various advance networking concepts.