Computer Technology in Medical Application

Computer today is playing pivotal role in the field of medicalto bring the most advanced forms of diagnosis and treatment to patients.  The influence of computer technology can be seen in clinical labs, imaging systems, hospital operations, and medical record storage. The application of the computer in health care has helped doctors’in advance medical science…

Blockchain: New Emerging Technology

Blockchain, a new age and groundbreaking technology is gaining widespread enthusiasm across all governments, and private sector companies. Introduction to BlockChain: Satoshi Nakamotoin year 2009 created Blockchain, where transitions are stored in a chain of blocks. The chain continues to grow as new block applied to the chain. Blockchain based on a peer-to-peer (P2P) topology,…

Google Duplex – AI Chatbot

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the branch of Computer Science Engineering to create intelligent machines and thus playing the major role in fourth Industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) Recent Development of Artificial Intelligence has not only increased the presence of chatbots and personnel assistant in people’s life but also created new types of human robot. One such human sounding talkbot…