Scope of Cyber Security

Cyber Security is a topic that everybody needs to know about, yet very few tech consumers care about it. Cyber security is the array of measures you take to protect yourself from unauthorized access to your information systems. Cases of Cyber Attack are skyrocketing, criminals are continually developing the sophisticated attack methods, and innocent tech…

How Artificial Intelligence, Data Science and Machine Learning are interconnected ???

Similar to data science, artificial intelligence is a wide area of technologies, systems and more that seek to replicate human intelligence through machines. Different parts of above pattern or loop are used by Data Science to solve specific problems. For example, in the first step, i.e. Perception, data scientists aim to identify patterns with the…

Artificial Intelligence : Transforming the World

The ability of a computer program to think and learn is Artificial Intelligence. John McCarthy coined the term Artificial Intelligence as “Every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it. An attempt will be made to find how to…