Awareness Session on Eye Care
16th April, 2016
Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon�organized an awareness session on�Eye Care�for all the staff members on16th April 2016. Dr. Vivek Garg,�Ophthalmologist from Vasan Eye Care, Gurgaon conducted this awareness session.
Prof. (Dr.) Jitender Kumar,�Academic Administrator welcomed�Dr. Vivek Garg�and his two associates and briefed the audience about the session and the importance of�eye care. Dr. Vivek Garg�started the session by explaining the significance of eyes and how our body does its best to shield our eyes from any external harm. In one blink of eyes, unknowingly we not only moisturize our eye but also clean it. He compared this mechanism with the wiper of car.
He also briefed about what dry eyes are and how to deal with it. He discussed that the eyes rely on the presence of a tears film to provide constant moisture and lubrication to maintain vision and solace. Working for long hours on electronic gadgets is one of the main reasons of dry eye.
He said that majority of patients with dry eye have chronic inflammation (swelling) in the tear glands (lacrimal glands) that line the eyelid and in the conjunctiva (the thin lining on the inside of the eyelids and the front part of the eye). Just like inflammation in a knee, the lungs, or liver, this chronic inflammation can permanently damage the tear gland tissue to the point that treatment becomes ineffective.
Dr. Garg�told the audience about how to deal with Dry Eyes:
- Humidify the room�to at least 40% humidity when you are sleeping (when tear production is lowest). This can be measured with a humidity meter (hygrometer) on the nightstand. Humidity may be very low (less than 25%) during the winter when the heater is on, and this worsens the dry eye condition.
- To take alpha omega fatty acid or fish oil or flaxseed oil orally�to improve dry eye.
- ake frequent breakswhen doing something that requires close concentration (such as using a computer or reading), and blink frequently.
- Take artificial tears frequently�with the prescription of Ophthalmologist.
- Wear sunglasseswhen you are outside to protect your eyes from wind and sun.
- Eat healthy food
Overall, the session was very informative and extremely valuable. It was truly an eye opener for anyone who works persistently on�Digital Devices.�In the end�Prof. (Dr.) Jitender Kumar�delivered the vote of thanks and expressed his gratitude to�Dr. Vivek Garg�and his team for having organized the session and driven some useful tips to the minds of the faculty members.