Ms. Swati Sharma, during the Conference
27th March 2015
Ms. Swati Sharma, Student of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department, of Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon, attended One Day National Conference on “Recent Trends in Communication and Technology (RTCT-2015)” in collaboration with IEEE student branch PDMCE & IMS/EMBS (Delhi) at PDM College of Engineering, Bahadurgarh on 27th March, 2015. Academicians, industry personnel, faculty and students from various R&D organizations, Engineering & Management institutes were invited to attend the conference and present their research paper.
The day started with Registration and welcome address by Professor. (Dr.) Md. Yusuf Mulge, Principal, PDMCET. Later it followed with Technical Session-A. The key note speakers delivered lectures on Communication and Technology related topics and the students came to know about new developments in the concerned fields.The conference being command throughout featured outstanding keynote speakers, paper presentation, and tutorials in parallel sessions.
Ms. Swati Sharma’s paper was scheduled for Session-B. The topic of her paper was “SIGNAL PROCESSING CIRCUITS USING TRANSCONDUCTANCE AMPLIFIERS”. It reviews the varied techniques planned for creating several Trans electrical phenomenon and electronic equipment circuits.
This conference offered a novel chance to realize insight into progressive technology within the field and to network with international researchers and scientists. RTCT-2015 was an exciting and instructive event.