The Eminence of Artificial Intelligence in Human Lives

In the current scenario, we have a huge demand of greater strides in computer processing and deep learning algorithms. Actually, learning of machines through experiences, adjusting to new inputs and performing human- like task is all possible due to Artificial Intelligence (AI). In daily life, we see numerous examples, starting from chess playing computers to self-driving cars; rely heavily on deep learning and natural language processing.  With the use of these technologies, computers can be trained to achieve particular tasks by processing large amounts of data and recognizing patterns in the data.

From financial services to manufacturing, healthcare and the public sector, the adoption of AI is pervasive with promise for powerful capabilities beyond anyone imagination. Also, by using the deep learning software algorithms take in a large sum of data and eventually extract insights from the patterns that were created from the data. The data can include a variety of things, including videos, customer data, images, and more. All of this data can be obtained if the data has been structured in the proper form.

One of the major advantage of using the deep learning is that it does not depend on sequential algorithms to instruct it on how to find a conclusion. By, this we can achieve the same performance as the human beings, in every related task.

Now, the question arises that is there any degree of alarm when it comes to Artificial Intelligence? Although we do have several aids of AI implementation, following are the several points by which we are afraid of.

  1. The major concern is that when the machines will learn automatically and will function without the human intervention, the world may lack humanity, but the truth is that with the use of Artificial Intelligence, the tasks would be more accurately completed, for e.g., a driverless car.
  1. The second concern is that these machines may take away jobs, leaving the mass of population unemployed. However, this is true to some extent, but we must not forget that Using AI in ways that can make people more successful and boost customer satisfaction is what we call “human-centred AI”. This puts employees and customers first, ahead of technology that supports them.
  1. The third major concern is Digital Ethics. We are afraid that after executing the learning algorithms for a longer period, it may become very complex due to self-learning mechanisms, hence difficult to understand. But the reality is that when we combine the inherent opacity of the algorithm with datasets that may be limited or not representative, or including real-world biases that are not desirable, then sometimes scenarios are presented where the AI decision may be discriminative and undesirable.

In AI, data to pattern match is the crucial factor as it takes the real world examples and experiences and cognitively recognise tasks to yield a prediction. The prominence is to ensure that there is the fairness in AI and an ethical dimension in decision making that AI supports.

AI advances are even quicker and dramatic than anticipated. Study Engineering in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning from one of the Top College in Gurugram and have knowledge of one of the fastest growing technology.

Written by Mr. Amar Saraswat, Faculty member, IT Department.

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