NSS Survey Camp
29th April - 5th May 2023
The NSS Units of Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurugram conducted a National Survey of Youth Not in Formal Education or Regular Employment. NSS UNIT consisting of four students under the supervision of Programme officers- Dr. Ashok Kumar, Dr. Anupam Dalal and Ms. Pooja Sharma visited the adopted villages Khentawas, Sayyad Mohamadpur and Patli Hajipur from 29th April to 5th May 2023 for the survey.
The unemployed youth under the age of 15 to 29 who do not have formal education or regular employment work was the targeted audience of survey.
Students with faculties went to Khentawas village on 29th April 2023, Sayyad Mohamadpur (117) village on 2nd May, Patli Hajipur(34) on 5th May 2023 and surveyed door to door. Student housed village’s school building. Students gave detailed survey information. The people cooperated because they were eager to know about Government works. Students also explained to them about loan schemes.
The volunteers gave their best to convince the villagers about the importance of the survey regarding unemployment and informal education under the age of 15 to 29 years youth.
The villagers understood the survey's importance and politely cooperated with the volunteers and correctly gave the details.
The survey gave volunteers a new experience and was done successfully to develop different skills such as leadership, teamwork, cooperation, and communication. The volunteers seem very active and excited working for NSS survey.