Faculty Development Programme on Advanced Design Software
4th - 6th January 2017
SAE Collegiate Club, Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon conducted FDP on “Advanced Design Software” from 4th - 6thJan 2017. The FDP was attended by 15 faculty members of Mechanical Engineering Department, Applied Science and Civil Engineering Department.
The FDP was designed to train and develop professionals in designing software, so that they can act as resource person in guiding and motivating students. The objective of the programme was to expose the participating faculties to the latest software skills in Mechanical Engineering.
4th January 2017:
Mr. Shubhender Singh, Assistant Professor, ME Department took the first session and gave a brief introduction about the various Mechanical Engineering software. Then he discussed the following topics during the session.
- Drawing in first and third angle projection
- Sectional views
- Dimensioning
The second session was taken by Ms. Aakansha. She covered all the topics of assembly drawing and explained the topics related to part drawing and illustrate it with the help of example. The second session covered the following topics:
- Part drawing
- Parts list
- Assembly drawing of parts
5th January 2017:
In the third session Mr. Amit Narwal gave a brief introduction about Solid Works. The topics discussed are as:
- Choosing the best profile
- Choosing the sketch plane
- Sketching on a planer face
The fourth session is about the various 3D commands used for modeling. The session covered various topics of patterning. Mr. Amit Narwal ensured that the faculties can relate these software with their respective departments. The topics covered in this session are:
- Pattern options
- Linear pattern
- Circular pattern
- Mirror pattern
- 3D printing
5th January 2017:
Mr. Anil Kumar Gillawat took the fifth session and gave a brief introduction to Structural analysis. Then he explained the following topics during the session:
- Linear structural analysis
- 2D structural analysis
- Meshing and analysis
In the sixth session , Mr. Vijay Raj Pilania focused on various areas such as Thermal analysis, CFD etc. Then he explained the following topics during the session:
Creating a fluent fluid flow analysis system in ANSYS workbench
- Creating the geometry in ANSYS Design modeler
- Meshing the geometry in the ANSYS meshing application
- Setting up the CFD simulation in ANSYS FLUENT