Industrial Visit to ZTE Telecom India Pvt Ltd.
16th October 2018
Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurugram organized an industrial visit to "ZTE Telecom India Pvt. Ltd." on 16th October 2018. 50 students of 3rd and 5th Sem ECE, ECS and EEE department along with faculty member Ms. Megha Goel went for the visit.
ZTE Corporation is a leading global provider of telecommunications equipment and network solutions. It connects global customers via voice, data, multimedia and WLAN.
Mr. Virender Kumar Rawal, Training in - Charge at ZTE delivered a lecture on technological advancements in telecom technologies. The lecture provided very significant knowledge about Telecom services. He also described the working model of telecom infrastructure in India. He described many recent innovations and advancements in GSM, CDMA and OSI Layer. He also demonstrated the installation and manufacturing processes. After the lecture, some experts provided hands on experience regarding the circuit assembling and manufacturing of switching networks and routers which are used in GSM network.
Mr. Virender explained recent technologies of mobile networks. He also provided brief information on manufacturing of various chips and described how they maintained a life cycle in the process of production.
Overall the visit was informative and interesting which provided a base to bridge the gap between classroom and the telecom industries.