Educational Visit to CSIR - NPL Open Day
30th September 2019
Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon on the occasion of CSIR Foundation Day organized a visit to National Physical Laboratory (NPL), New Delhi on 30th September 2019. 28 students of first year ECE / ME / EEE Department visited the NPL with Dr. Deepika Choudhary as visit coordinator.
The objective of the visit was to provide exposure to young minds to the ongoing scientific and technological work carried out in NPL.
CSIR - NPL is National Metrology Institute of India and is one of the leading science and research laboratories of the country. CSIR - NPL celebrates NPL Foundation Day every year on 30th September. On this day, NPL opens its doors for college and school students to explore state-of-art experimental facilities of laboratories and various research fields.
After reaching NPL, Students first visited the superconductor laboratory and understood superconductivity phenomenon and also saw the practical demonstration of Meissner effect. They also saw the equipments used for determination of electrical and thermal properties of superconductors. Next, students visited the Raman spectroscopy lab and learned about the applications of Raman spectroscopy in various fields including medical uses. The students also visited the Sound Transmission lab and had an experience of complete reflection and complete absorption rooms. They also learned the techniques used in sound transmission. The students were later taken to Auditorium to watch a small movie based on achievements of NPL. After the visit, refreshments were provided to students by NPL authorities.
The visit to NPL was knowledgeable and proved to be informative as students came across various developments taking place in the field of science and technology in our country. The practical demonstration of principles of science invoked excitement and curiosity about science in students.