Expert Talk on World Intellectual Property Day
26th April 2024
Innovation Ambassadors and Students of Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurugram attended the expert talk organized by Ministry of Education (MoE’s Innovation Cell) and AICTE on 26th April 2024. The objective of the session was to raise awareness on the significance of intellectual property (IP) for researchers, faculty members, and students The Program highlighted the following topics:
- Why Intellectual Property (IP) is important
- How IP Benefits Innovators and Researchers
- Introduction to IP Components (Patents, Copyright, TM, GIS etc.)
- Administrative and Procedural Aspects of Patents
- IP instrument for Technology Transfers
- Case Studies
The session featured talks from speakers: Dr. P.V. Madhusudhan Rao Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering & Design, IIT Delhi and Shri Divyanshu Mishra Assistant Controller of Patents and Designs, Patent Office, Delhi. Professor P.V. Rao, from IIT Delhi talks about the importance of intellectual property and why it is important to protect one's innovations. He mentioned that inventors often have a misconception that if they don't patent their inventions, it will make it easier to share with society. However, he argues that not having a patent can hinder the impact of the innovation because it cannot be commercialized. Shri Divyanshu Mishra discussed different types of intellectual property, such as patents, copyrights, and trademarks. He also provided information on how to file for intellectual property protection. Also, Shri Pradeep Dhage, Assistant Director, Ministry of Education Innovation Cell, presented a presentation on various IP tools and Project Management tools along with the funding opportunities available for the researchers and innovators.
The session concluded with a formal vote of thanks from Dr. Elangovan. He thanked the speakers for their time and the participants for attending the session. He also informed participants about various programs like KAPILA and NIPAM and mentioned that the MoE Innovation Cell is working on extending support for filing patents for school students and teachers. Overall, the session was a great resource to learn more about intellectual property and how to protect innovations.