E-yantra IoT Workshop: R Pi & ESP32 Essentials
22nd February 2024
IEEE Student Chapter and Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), Ministry of Education (MoE), Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurugram in association with IIT Bombay conducted Workshop on “E-yantra IoT Workshop: R Pi & ESP32 Essentials” on 22nd February, 2024 for the students of ECE, ECS and EEE department. The educational endeavor was organized and delivered by Prof. Neha Verma (ECE department) with valuable support from Dr. R. Dheivanai (EEE department.) The workshop was notably enhanced by the active participation and coordination of four student coordinators from the ECS branch, Batch of 2026 - Adarsh (25492), Parth Sharma (25510), Vansh Tomar (25522) and Tpander Kumar (25521), who played pivotal roles in both the preparation and execution stages of the workshop.
E-Yantra is a project sponsored by the Ministry of Education under the National Mission on Education through ICT (NMEICT) to spread education in embedded systems and robotics. It aimed to provide hands-on learning experiences to students across the country, fostering practical skills in emerging technologies. The workshop focused on two critical components in the world of IoT (Internet of Things) and embedded systems: the ESP32 and the Raspberry Pi.
The ESP32, a versatile and powerful microcontroller with integrated Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, serves as an ideal platform for designing and prototyping IoT solutions. On the other hand, the Raspberry Pi, a compact yet powerful computer, offers endless possibilities for learning programming, computing, and networking concepts. The workshop included detailed sessions on both these platforms, covering the basics to advanced applications, emphasizing their roles in the IoT ecosystem. A unique feature of this workshop was the "LAB-IN-A-BOX" components, procured from E-Yantra, which provided the students with hands-on experience with these development boards. The student coordinators led these sessions, demonstrating the practical applications and potential of the ESP32 and Raspberry Pi in real-world scenarios.
The workshop witnessed enthusiastic participation from second-year engineering students from the ECE, EEE, and ECS branches. It was an enriching experience for the attendees, who gained invaluable insights and practical knowledge about working with ESP32 and Raspberry Pi. The initiative not only bolstered their theoretical understanding but also enhanced their practical skills, preparing them for future challenges in the dynamic field of IoT and embedded systems.