Session on "Lean Start-up & Minimum Viable Product/Business"
27th August 2022
The EDC Cell and Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC), Ministry of Education (MoE), Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurugram organized a session on “Lean Start - up & Minimum Viable Product/Business” on 27th August, 2022.
The session was in tune with the national mission initiated by the Honorable Prime Minister that the youth should set up their own ventures so as to generate employment.
Dr. Shipra Arora, the resource person of the session, was delighted to share her experience in this regard and said, “Lean start-up is an approach to building new ideas based on self-belief that entrepreneurs must test and recapitulate as they develop products”. Rather than being job seekers they should aim at becoming job givers.
She also went on to explain the five principles of lean start-ups. She also stressed on the fact, Lean Start-up provides a scientific approach to creating and managing start-ups and getting a desired product to customers’ hands faster. Dr. Shipra Arora started with speaking about lean startups. She then went ahead to explain the difference between Proof of concept, Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and Minimum Marketable Product (MMP). She explained it with the help of example of Pizza chain. She also explained in detail, the Business Model Canvas. Finally, after the end of her presentation, she answered the questions asked by attendees.
Mrs. Pooja Sharma, the coordinator of the event gave vote of thanks.