5 Days FDP on Internet of Things
28th November - 2nd December 2023
Prof. Neha Verma (ECE Dept.) and Prof. Monika Rani (ECE Dept.) from Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurugram attended the five-day Faculty Development Program on Internet of Things (IoT) hosted by Manav Rachna University, Faridabad in collaboration with ICT Academy. ICT ACADEMY is an Initiative of Government of India, State Government and Industry that has evolved a framework for course development, faculty training and student training. Its framework has been made with focus in making the transmission of knowledge from the faculty to students highly effective with all the tools associated with the same.
Day 1: 28th November, 2023
On 28th November, 2023 the FDP was inaugurated with welcome note by Dr. Piyush Charan and Ms. Esha Khanna (Coordinators-ICT FDP, Manav Rachna University) followed with welcoming the Trainers Dr. K. Subramanian (Technical Lead) and Er. R Jagadeswaran (Technical Engineer) from Enthu Technology Solutions (I) Pvt. Ltd. The first session immersed the participants into the vast realm of IoT. Concepts such as IoT Architecture, Cloud Platforms, and IoT-enabled devices were introduced, laying the foundation for the days ahead in the introductory session. The second session was dedicated to hands-on with Arduino IDE and ESP 32 microcontroller, coupled with demonstrations using various sensors like IR, SHT31, DHT11, and Flame, provided a practical understanding of device interfacing and programming.
Day 2: 29th November, 2023
The second day started with the practical application of the content understood during 1st day of the FDP. The trainers focused on Thingspeak Cloud and Data monitoring. The participants explored device control using Cloud platforms, MQTT, and Mobile applications. The day continued with an introduction to Bluetooth and BLE, followed by a hands-on DIY project involving LED control via Bluetooth. The 2nd session of the day concluded with participants gaining insights into data exchange between clients and servers using BLE.
Day 3: 30th November, 2023
On third day of the program focused on the fascinating world of LoRa Technology and LoRaWAN. Participants were guided about node-to-node communication, library installation, and hardware configuration. The day involved hands-on exercises, configuring LoRaWAN Gateways, and practical sessions on uplink and downlink communication modes. By the end of the day, attendees were proficient in decoding received data and configuring LoRaWAN devices.
Day 4: 1st December, 2023
The fourth day of the IoT FDP was focused on sensor interfacing with LoRa, including LM35, IR, Ultrasonic, Flame sensors etc. Participants were engaged in DIY projects which involved interfacing the sensors, uplinking data to the Network Server, decoding received information and to monitor the device on Unibots platform. The hands-on approach enhanced understanding, enabling participants to work with diverse sensors and their applications in LoRa communication.
Day 5: 2nd December, 2023
The final day commenced with an introduction to Ubidots and The Things Network, emphasizing data visualization in the application server. A hands-on demo using the Ultrasonic sensor showcased practical applications of data visualization. The day concluded with a comprehensive review, allowing participants to reflect on the entire program and solidify their learning.
The FDP concluded with the Review session followed by the Valedictory ceremony.