Session 2019-20

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Saksham Choudhary(22396), Student of Second year IT Completed the "Java for Everyone - zero to Hero" online Course on 17th June 2020 Read More


Peeyush Kumar (22108), Student of Second year CSE Completed the "Digital Skills : Artificial Intelligence ACCENTURE online Course on May 2020 Read More


Peeyush Kumar (22108), Student of Second year CSE Completed the "Java Programming Masterclass for Software Developers" online Course on 20th April 2020 Read More

Gopi Krishna Menon Student of CSE Department got Selected for Google Summer of Code 2020 for his Project "Development of FITS Module for Boost". Read More

Aegis Graham Bell Awards

Himanshu Sharma Student of ECE Department is the Winner of "Aegis Graham Bell National Talent Hunt 2020" for Data Science, AI and Cyber Security - Phase 2. Read More

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