
Library Resources

"The only thing that you absolutely have to know, is the location of the library."

List of Journals
List of Journals
Library Resource

E-Resources For Differently Abled Students

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Print Resources

Below is the program-wise summary of number of Library books/Titles/Journals available as on 31st March 2023

Course Number of Titles of books Number of Volumes National Journals International Journals
Computer Science Engineering 759 5441 15 14
Information Technology 536 3521 15 14
Electronics & Communication Engineering 1086 8409 12 10
Mechanical Engineering 806 6432 16 8
Civil Engineering 175 1570 6 4
Applied Sciences Humanities & Others 1694 8665 23 6
Total 5056 34038 87 56

Periodicals Subscribed

The College library subscribes to a number of well known industry journals and magzines that focus on a variety of subjects taught in the curriculum.

Digital Resources

CD Collections
Library is having a collection of more than 1500 CDs and floppies on various subjects / topics in Engineering & Technology.

Online Resources
College library has taken the membership INDEST-AICTE Consortium for consortia-based subscription to electronic resources. Under the membership library has subscribed for the following online electronic resources:

IEL Online

The IEEE/IEE Electronic Library (IEL) covers almost one third of the world's current electrical engineering and computer science literature. It provides unparalleled access to publications from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) and the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE). The resource covers more than 14,00000 documents from over 12,000 publications, including 219 journals, transactions, magazines, conference proceedings and IEEE Standards. More than 25,000 new pages are added per month. It provides access to more than two million full-page PDF images, including all original charts, graphs, diagrams, photographs and illustrative material.

ASME (including AMR)

It is also a single source of important literature in Mechanical Engineering & other allied branches Mechanical Engineering. It also covers Applied Mechanics reviews that will give overall view of topics covered therein and also to know where knowledge gaps exists and research work can be carried out.

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers is a non-profit educational and technical organization serving worldwide community of mechanical engineers. The ASME conducts one of the world's largest technical publishing operations. The society holds more than 30 technical conferences and 200 professional development courses each year. The ASME promote and enhance the technical competency and professional well-being through quality programs and activities in mechanical engineering, better enable its practitioners to contribute to the well-being of humankind through its publications that include 21 journals. The ASME subscription through INDEST Consortium also covers Applied Mechanics Review.

Membership of INDEST-AICTE Consortium -online electronic resources

College library is a member INDEST-AICTE Consortium for consortia-based subscription to electronic resources. Under the membership library has subscribed for the following online electronic resource:

InfoTrac Engineering Collection (IEC)

InfoTrac Engineering Collection (IEC) is a carefully selected list of journals covering all streams of engineering. This innovative full-text online resource allows users to search articles instantly by title, subject, publication, country or other fields eliminating random searching through back-files. IEC advance search enables you to search reports, recommended readings, audio-visual reviews, case over views, case notes, case studies, technical reports, cover stories, critical essays, chronologies, charts, definitions, illustrations, images, panel discussions, pod casts, surveys, viewpoint essays and many more specific areas for focused study & research.

InfoTrac periodical collection is among the largest online collection of current full-text periodicals featuring more than 17,000 titles in all.

  • Engineering Journals 2226
  • Non Embargo Journals 2159
  • Peer reviewed Journals 1172
  • Full-text Journals 1161
  • Newswires & Newsletters 155
  • Reports 87

Tools include:

  • E-mail the article in HTML or plain-text format
  • Generate citations in multiple formats
  • Share links to the article


Information Resource Centre (LIBRARY) has subscribed for Web based e-library search engine for Engineering & Technology. The main aim of this is to provide search on web links of full text Internet based / web based e-journals, e-books and other e-contents. It aims to promote model that will ensure web links and search on e-journals, e-books, e-thesis, online database, and e-learning courses aimed at scholarly & research e-Contents.

It provides full text access and search to various e-journals, & other e-resources including e-books, e-thesis, e-Learning Courses, and online database covering all major important subject areas. Approximate resources available through this web-based service are:

  • E- Books- 92
  • E- Courses- 17
  • E- Database- 6
  • E- Journals- 322
  • E- Newsletters- 69
  • E- Thesis- 100

Library has taken the membership of various other important libraries / network for resource sharing. A number of open access journals are also available.

Library is also subscribing for many other On-line journals along with the print editions.

Online Journals

Below is the reference list of online journals subscribed to by the College:

Admission Helpline
Admission Helpline - +91-9910380109